Writing/ Content Examples
Capstone Paper- Relational Communications
For my capstone paper, I conducted research on how friendships influence romantic relationships. This semester-long project deepened my understanding of the full research process, allowing me to explore new insights on this topic.
Campaign Project- Persuasion Course
The assignment was to create a campaign that worked towards a social issue that aligned with our passions. As someone who is passionate about beauty and health my group and I decided to create a campaign about clean beauty. A portion of our campaign was our blog that I wrote which is displayed below.
Left0vers - Group Marketing Project
This slide deck displays a sustainable and innovated app idea that was created for the Marketing and Business Communications course. Our semester long project had been selected as one of the LMU Create-An-App Social Impact Marketing Plan Competition Spring 2024 Finalist.
Lunch N' Learn- Coastal Waste & Recycling
Designed and delivered a ‘Lunch and Learn’ that was presented to over 90 employees. Created a video that incorporated employees from all sectors, which increased employee engagement and demonstrated leadership skills.
Tik Tok- Interstate Waste Services
Successfully pitched and then implemented the idea of establishing a Tik Tok account to support recruiting efforts and enhanced employee engagement.
LinkedIn Post
Posted on LinkedIn about my Business Development/ Sales Internship online to share my experience and the opportunities I got to engage in.